Bosque del Apache 2023

Bosque del Apache is a wildlife refuge just south of Socorro New Mexico and is connected to the little town of San Antonio New Mexico.  The refuge is home to a number of  native animals and migratory ones as well as they head south for the winter. The sandhill cranes, snow geese, and Canadian geese are a few to see in and around the refuge. Javelina, mule deer, coyotes, roadrunners, pheasants, birds of prey, all can be viewed throughout the range. 

I try to visit the refuge at least once a year and the images below are from my most recent trip. The fall colors in early November are in full force this time of year, the birds were just starting to migrate in and there were plenty of animals to photograph. 

On to the images. 

 Sandhill Cranes and Snow Geese

Mule deer, Roadrunner, and a Javelina

American Kestrels, Red Tail Hawk, and a Harrier Hawk

I was fortunate enough to run across a few coyotes over the course of a couple of days. It’s been a very long time since I’ve been able to capture a decent shot of a coyote. They are always either too far away or they disappear before I can get the camera ready to take the shot.  These guys/girls were not all that scared of what I was doing and I snapped some nice shots. 

A mix of shots. The red-winged black birds were starting to show up in mass. The great blue heron had no interest in what I was doing and I was able to snap some snice shots of him/her. 

I hope you enjoyed the images and if you have any questions about the photos or Bosque del Apache, feel free to contact me. 



All content/images are Copyright Frank Hatcher 
All rights reserved.
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