Amanda - Pool table scene

The room weshot in was about 20×30, possibly a little larger but looking at the scene Iknew I was going to need to fill the room with some light to bring thebackground out of the darkness.  Therewasn’t a lot of fill light coming in from any of the windows and the lighting throughoutthe room was provided by the main three lights you see over her head.  I didn’t want those on.

The firstlight I set up was the Chimera 54″x72″ super shallow soft box as the main.  This box provides really soft, wonderfullight.  All the diffusion panels were inplace.  The light I was using is theElinchrom 600RX.  It was placed to lighther evenly, and it’s slightly at an angle towards here. It’s hard to translatethis in the lighting diagram.  Distanceto her from the camera was about 7ft or so. Shooting with the 85L here and I didn’t crop a lot out of this shot inpost. Once I got the exposure set… I was shooting @ F/5.6 which gave me justenough of her in focus without having everything in the entire scene infocus.  I wanted some blur in thebackground.

The secondlight has the Elinchrom 53″ Octa for the fill and if you look at her right-side…  a little highlighting or accents as well.   The octa had the main diffusion panel off ofthe front.  This allowed me to fill theback across the room with a lot of light. I simply increased the background fill within a few shots looking overthe back of the camera to see how the scene was being lit.  Once I had the look I wanted, we shot thisseries.

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